Video Construction


Rough Cut (All Members)
Rough Cut 2 (All Members)
Rough Cut 3 (All Members)
Final Cut 1 (All Members)
Music Video Analysis (Alex Preston)


Animatic (Alex Preston, Dan Spurway)
Shooting Schedule (All Members)
Storyboard (All Members)

Test Footage

Recce Shots (Locations, Jane) (All Members)
Recce Shots (Location, Band) (All Members)
Recce Shots (Band) (All Members)
Bloopers (All Members)
Test Footage 1 (Alex Preston, Dan Spurway)

Editing Practice

Lip Synch Practice (All Members)
Editing Techniques (Alex Preston, Dan Spurway)
Final Cut Tutorials (Alex Preston)
Adding a Logo (Dan Spurway)
Font Experimentation (Alex Preston)

Filming Schedule (All Members)

Behind The Scenes

Editing, Behind the Glamour (Alex Preston, Dan Spurway)
Behind the Scenes (Jane) (All Members)
Behind the Scenes (Band) (All Members)

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