Friday 28 September 2012

Advert Analysis (Dave Waugh)

Advert analysis

This is a poster of the band ‘ greenday’, this poster showcases the bands new album ‘ 21st century breakdown, the way in which this poster is set out is standard for its particular genre, the name of the band is the largest text on the poster, this is their brand identity, this text is used on all of their albums and posters, this makes the band seem more familiar to its fans and this allows them to sell their brand to their audience more easily, the text itself has a unique point to it, the text looks like it has been painted on which explains the slight rugged look , this also represents the rebellious nature of this band or in fact this genre.

The poster also supports the theory of Andrew Goodwin, the star image theory, mainly due to the largest or the closest image to the viewer is in fact the lead singer therefore making the product sell better.

The image of the band shows that the entire band is in a close distance to the viewer meaning that each member of the band is just as important as the other members of the band.

Also the general color of the poster is black suggesting that because they have not went for a more colorful approach they are trying to get straight to the point, also the writing is very basic primary colors, in this case white and yellow, once again this is nothing flash and its main purpose is to grab the viewers attention, also all of the writing which includes the main and the extra details on the poster are in bold writing once again referencing to a possible rebellious feel and to get the audiences attention straightaway.


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