Monday 10 September 2012

Shot count Appox - 350

The Rise Against video ‘Re-education through labour’ is very fast paced due to the nature and genre of the chosen song. This video is classified as a Rock video and conforms to the conventions present in Rock videos; many shots of the band, majority of the video filmed in disquieting locations, such as abandoned buildings and locations that can be construed as 'Underground'.

 There is multiple shots of the lead singer, which follows Andrew Goodwin's theory of 'Star Image' the lead singer has unique selling point, his different coloured irises , this further exploits the ideas of isolation and segregation which are commonly present in this genre, allowing the record company to increase sells using this unusual but unique asset. The use of 'Thought Beats' also from Andrew Goodwin can be seen throughout with the timing of the cuts and tracking shots. The Tracking shots are speed up considerably to mimic the fast pace of the song and to create a surreal effect. The Rock music video is classed as an 'Amplification' video. The video shows acts relating to the lyrics, but not directly. The entirety of the video focuses on two parties; the band singing in small 'Underground' location and a group of unknown rebels or freedom fighters dependant on your political view. Strong political messages are explicit from the outset of Rise Against video; the political themes conveyed by the video revolve around suppression of free speech and political oppression.  There are hints at the possible consequences of such oppression. Due to this the video is gender neutral, as is classed as ‘Information’ by Denis McQuail. The video can be seen leaning towards to male demographic; due to previous work completed by Rise Against, but the video analysed separately and objectively will prove it’s non gender specific demographic.               

This closely resembles the theory from Carol Vernaillis as the Diegesis is slowly revealed over time and the narrative is disjointed, this helped with quick crosscutting between the two parties. The differences between the two parties are directly linked to the shots used. The 'Rebels' are seen in shots consisting of; long shots, tracking shots, and medium long shots. Ensuring the audience sees the 'rebels' from a distance; this is partly due to the acts they commit in the duration of the video and also to ensure the viewer relates more to the band than them. The band are seen in affable shots throughout the video, including; extreme close ups, close- ups. This use of shots ensures the band are seen in a more sympathetic light in comparison to the other parties present in the video. This use of camera ensures the rapport the audience has with band is not disrupted by the acts committed by the ‘Rebels’. 
By Alex Preston      

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