Wednesday 3 October 2012

Audience Research

Basic Questionnaire

Analysis of results took from a sample of 10 students.

Q.1) What is your Favorite Genre?

This majority of answers were Rock, this maybe due to the questionare being focused on students with similar commonalities to Jim Nelson our archetypical Fan. But the second highest is Pop, this is because this genre is the most 'Mainstream' more common on the radio and other multi-media mediums. Therefore insuing it reaches a larger audience.

Q.2) How many Rock/Indie bands are on your Mp3?

This question does not hold much relevance in the creation of the video, but did show a unique corralation between knowledge of the rock genre and links to pop music. This question allows for more in-depth look in to how accustomed the person is with the rock genre.    


Q.3) How much Do you follow the rock Genre?

Q.4) Do you listen to these Bands?
This question allowed us to again, look at the rock 'familiarity' of the subjects. All bands listed have a simlilar style via, the music or the videos.  
Q.5) Is there a reason why you listen to this genre?
 This section was open-ended so the answers good allow us to create a video, covers these themes. Many stated that it is due to the lyrics used. they are described as 'Thought Provoking' or 'Intriguing', this is because of the theme covered by the rock genre, such as death, betrayal and isolation. Are more niche focused but are more contriversal.  
Q.6) Choose a Band and explain why you like their videos?
Many people explanations consisted of the narrative that the video presents. Others stated it was due to star image, 'Amy Lee is hot' was the statement made. This is conventional of Laura Mulvey theory of the Male Gaze, this may be included in our video. But all of the surveys answers loosely based around the presentation of the band, linking with Q.7 Band performance is most important.   
Q.7) What is the most important in a Rock music video?
This question is integal for the creation of our music video, as it allows us to focus on aspects that the audience wants to the video to contain. The major factor is the performance of the band, within the video, over 70% stated this. The lowest rated attribute is the setting in which the video is filmed, this may be due to many of the rock music videos being set in similar areas. Others such as narrative and costumes were present in of 50% of the surveys.

Q.8 What is your Favorite Song?

Due to the subjective nature of the question the data has been presented by genre.

The conclusion that can be concluded from the results, is that the video must focus on the performance of the band and how they are presented. This neglactes the 'Jane' narrative but as other stated they enjoy a intriguing narrative.

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