Monday 1 October 2012

Shot Count (Dave Waugh)

Shot Count Approx. - 140

The Bon Jovi video - 'living on a prayer' is mid/fast paced, this is convention of the particular genre in which this particular song fits into (rock), also it is filmed inside a large stadium as the band is preparing to play a big show, the other conventions used in the rock genre which is visible throughout the video is the several shots that focus on the full band throughout the video.
The close up and medium shots on the lead singer are used constantly throughout the video, this supports Andrew Goodman’s theory of how the record company’s will demand a lot of close ups on the lead singer or man artist, this is also known as star image.
Several shots of the full band with their instruments are used through the video; this supports Jason Mittell’s theory that the industries use certain characteristics, which relate to the genre to sell the product, also the use of the pyrotechnics support Mittells theory of using the genre to sell as they are a conventional aspect / characteristic in the genre of rock.
Instruments such as the guitars and the drums are being shown throughout this video, this supports Barry Keith grant’s theory of the use of familiar or recognizable characteristics to gain an audience.

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